When you've told them, over 4 hundred million billion willion times to say "please" and they still say "get me". Yes, i've actually chopped the poo in half to get it down the loo. No, I don't know if it will be ok in the sewers. Who has pulled the chair out from under the daughter? There is much bleeding, and wailing, and lying ("But I DIDN'T!!!!" "Er, I saw you?"). There is a chunk of hair in the bedroom, and the so-called safety scissors are gone. The food goes to the chickens, again, who are fat, and no, you cannot have a biscuit. A Jaffa cake IS a biscuit, actually. Alright, it's a cake-biscuit. Do not run to Grandma saying "What have you got for me now?" (I told her, to STOP BUYING STUFF!). Array of interesting scribble all over the wall. And a damp patch there. And there. 4 toilet rolls and a toy dog are down the toilet. I am not sure if they have been weed on. No-one knows. The chicken poo trodden into the rug is no-ones fault again. That dastardly fairy of chaos, was it? or the pair of you, in wellies? What is stinking behind the sofa? It cannot be identified. The hair is tangled, my dear, because you put a great glop of icing in it. No, it is not nice to sing songs about willlies in front of people. I don't care what Daddy does. No, leave it alone. Put the chickens down. Down, I said. Well, if you will pick them up like that. Go and change. No, it is sub-zero out there, not the bathing pants. I don't know where the playmobil gun is. Where? You don't put things up there! No, I told you last time. Get the vaseline. Sneeze. Again.
Good. No, let me wash it. You hate me. At 3. Well, I don't know what you will think by 13. You'll probably explode. Who hit who first? You can't both have done it at the same time exactly. Right. Right. Off to bed now. NOW! No, we don't have red toothpaste. It's blue. Just BRUSH YOUR TEETH. I will read both of you the same story in separate rooms. I promise. Christ, this story sucks. Yes, I am still upstairs. Yes. Go to sleep. You've already had some water. Oh. Go and wee then. No, a tiny dribble does not constitute an entire outfit change. The Toy Story ones are in the wash. Yes, they are. No, you are wearing a bedtime nappy. You are. Go to sleep. Sleep.
glug, glug, glug. Ahhhhhh. Now, go back upstairs, and watch them sleeping. Go on. It's designed that they look cute, you refill your love tanks, and they can go on being 3 or whatever tommorrow. A survival tactic. for them and you. Sneak up now.
The picture shows son passed out on the Naughty Step. Sheer exhaustion. And daughter whacked out in the buggy.
Oh What dear little Angels,I dont believe a word you say about them ,impossible! hee hee ;>)..How could you say such things ,(I had four and they actually turned into rather nice human beings )...love Janxx
Oh, that's a brilliant post! Absolutely adorable pictures - with capital A's.
CJ xx
That was a brilliant post. I've never had anyone fall asleep on the steps before (ref to picture). I cringed when I read your comment on my blog about how he pulled the chair out from under her. When they are being wild and driving me insane, I tell myself: they are precious, they are gorgeous, they will grow and won't want to know you so enjoy the chaos now. I try...it's hard. I'll be back for more!
is there a way to "follow" this blog?
You can follow it through blogger, but i'm not au fait enough to know otherwise Lory! Thanks for your kind comments. I think a lot of my probs are due to them being close (15 mo apart) but it could just be that they are psychos.
Crystal, thankyou! If you ever want to babysit them.....
Jan, 4! I would have had more but I started rather late. I'm too worn down now. How on earth did you cope!
wait till they are 13, that will be you passed out on the step. sounds like medicinal wine is required
I am new to your blog - love your writing style and your photos... especially little one out cold on the naughty step - they look such angels
Have alook at my blog Tales out of School - Jeannette Ellwood...
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