Wife is doing the DIY (a toddler bed, a chest of drawers, and 4 pictures hung, with nary a swear word or drop of blood. Efficient, but not as exciting as Husbands way, born of a determination never to read an instruction booklet), while Husband is in the USA, Florida round about now. Basking in 75 degree heat and cooking whole hogs at the Lakeland Pig Fest, a barbeque competition of more than 30,000 strong.
He is there with the Bubba Grills team, (pictured, with their many trophies from last year) http://www.bubbagrills.net/index.html to pursue a business venture which hopefully will result in big pieces of pig in our chest freezer and some kind of Southern cooking thing going on in the Fens. The Bubba Grills guys are great, they've already been on tv with Jamie Oliver, as he used a lot of their recipes in his last book, and dedicated an episode of the tv series to their cooking style. He gave them a signed copy though. They'll be able to ebay it for some of the millions he made from the book sales.
Husband has plans for world domination with them. He is in his element, shooting guns, eating pork and talking barbeque sauce, in a place where his bulk is positively skinny by comparison to the Georgian norm. He has been overwhelmed by their generosity in inviting him and sharing their ideas. Speaking earlier, he proudly informed me that he is now a Redneck, on account of failing to 30 factor his lily white neck.
He's roasting whole hogs today, and in his brief telephone chat informed me of his devoted wrapping of 3 thousand jacket potatoes in foil. Hopefully they will have a successful competition, they did last year. By all accounts, these men know how to roast a hog. I can't see why people Fen-wards wouldn't like to eat a pig that way too. There's certainly enough USa airbases and, of course, the fabtastic Peterborough Truck Fest. (